RiskChange App Privacy Policy

The protection of your personal data is important to us. This privacy statement explains how we collect, store and share personal information when you use the RiskChange App. RiskChange is a service of takomat GmbH ("takomat", "RiskChange", "we", "our") as a mobile app and on related pages. By using RiskChange and in particular by registering a RiskChange account, you consent to the use of your personal data. Therefore, please take some time to read this Privacy Policy and make sure that you agree.

Who is responsible for data disclosure and processing?

takomat GmbH (Neptunplatz 6b, 50823 Cologne, Germany) is responsible for the collection and processing of your data. The data protection officer is Mr. Lars Maria Schnatmann.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at concierge@takomat.com

Information we collect

We automatically collect certain information for statistical purposes anonymously when using RiskChange. This information includes * When and how long you use the app * If and how long they are logged in * The IP address of the device with which you access RiskChange.

User account

You do not need to provide any additional information to use the app. However, some features require you to register a RiskChange account and provide the following additional information: * Email address * Your name e.g. the first name

Without these data no personal account can be created. We use the email address solely to recover your password, confirm your account, and notify you of changes to this Privacy Policy.

Upload of artworks

When an artwork is created, the following data is also transmitted to the Takomat servers and stored.* The selected or photographed image * The name of the artist * A description of the image * The user account that uploaded this artwork

We reserve the right to remove artworks from the app at any time without giving reasons and to delete the uploaded data.

Access rights

Memory Access: To select and upload images from the unit's internal memory or external storage media. Camera Access: To take and upload photos. Location Access: To determine the current location on the map.

How we use and share personal information

We collect and use personal data from you to the extent necessary to enable the use of RiskChange. We will never share your personal information with third parties except under the following circumstances: * For other users: Information you provide when creating an artwork and your name. * As aggregated data: To create statistical information, we may aggregate personal data with data from similar users. This data will then no longer contain any information that allows conclusions to be drawn about your identity. * If required by law: When we are obliged or required by law, including by court order or similar legal requirements or requests.

Delete your account

You can have your account deleted on request. If you delete your account, all personal data will be deleted and cannot be restored. So please make sure that you secure all your uploaded content before deleting it. Usage data of yours, which are anonymized by RiskChange, e.g. statistically processed, are not deleted, because they can no longer be assigned to them. Please note that uninstalling our app will not delete your account.

Information about your data

On written request we will gladly inform you about the data stored about your person.

Security note

RiskChange makes every effort to protect user information and to keep your personal information confidential. However, we cannot guarantee the security of the information in your account. Unauthorized access, hardware or software failures, and other factors could compromise the security of our users' information at any time.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. We will adjust the effective date at the bottom of this page. Please check this page from time to time to inform you of any changes. If we make material changes to the way your personal information is used, we will notify you by posting a notice on our site or by sending you an email.
